the 7 signs your guardian angel is trying to contact you can be quite noticeable by repeated number sequences, communication in dreams, experience of repeated events among others.

There are a handful of signs guardian angels use in communicating with someone, especially when they are about to pass vital information. Here are 7 signs your guardian angel is trying to contact you. 


It is of no doubt that the world is mainly in two forms, while we have the physical world, there is the spirit or spiritual realm which is a world of its own.

the 7 signs your guardian angel is trying to contact you can be quite noticeable by repeated number sequences, communication in dreams, experience of repeated events among others.

One has to understand that to make the best out of life, keeping a good relationship between these two worlds is crucial to have a better lifestyle. 


However,  not just keeping a good relationship is enough, but how to have good communication in both these realms goes a long way


It is obvious that the physical world is always overwhelming while trying to understand life, society, and the struggle to have a good lifestyle. There comes the spiritual realm where things go beyond the physical. In the physical world we can easily understand things when someone or something is communicating with a person, but here in the spirit world, things are a bit different and complex.


To have a better understanding of the 7 signs your guardian angel is trying to contact you. You have to know how the body and soul works and know how to maneuver feelings. Same way you know how to know when to love using your heart and when to work away using your initiative or brain.

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If one can not easily distinguish between using the brain and following one’s heart it will be hard to know the 7 signs your guardian angel is trying to contact you even if these signs come or show up constantly.


Who is a Guardian Angel


A guardian angel is an instructor who calls you into awareness from the spirit using some signs and numbers to communicate with a person in the physical world.


It is believed that these angels are designed to protect and guide a person in times of trials and tribulations, also to call to awareness of possible dangers and to provide solutions to upcoming issues that could cause harm.


Recognizing your guardian angel can easily ease up on unforeseen terrifying events ontime before it happens. Guardian angel communicates mostly using unique numbers repeatedly to guide you of the situation. 


7 Signs Your Guardian Angel is Trying to Contact You


The pattern at which the spirit realm communicates can differ from one person to another, however the 7 signs your guardian angel is trying to contact you can be quite noticeable by repeated number sequences, communication in dreams, experience of repeated events among others.


  1. Hitting your left leg on a stone: This indicates the spirit world is trying to tell you something.  It is one of the noticeable 7 signs your guardian angel is trying to contact you. hitting your left leg on a stone could be seen as a warning sign that something negative or challenging may be ahead. It’s important to pay attention to such occurrences and proceed with caution or mindfulness.

While these signs may seem trivial or coincidental to some, they often carry deeper symbolic meanings in various cultural and spiritual contexts. Trusting your intuition and being open to the messages conveyed by these signs can help you navigate situations with greater awareness and preparedness.

2. Repeated number sequences: When experience repeated number sequences, this serves as an awakening call to you that your guardian angel is trying to tell you something,  it is yours to pay attention and be more observant to the information it tries to inform you about, an example of this repeated number sequences that indicates one of the 7 signs your guardian angel is trying to contact you is when you keep seeing number like 11, 22, 111, 333, 444, 555, 777 among other.


3. Communication in dreams: This is often common and also serves as one of the most noticeable signs your guardian  angel is trying to communicate with you. It might happen as a flash vision while having a nap, it might happen as a dream while sleeping at any time of the day, It might show up to you even in a restaurant,  a bar, at home or in your office.

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4. Experiencing repeated events: Many people may have come to experience such by which they feel an event has repeated itself while still in that very particular event. You will always feel you have been there before and you know the feeling of the things that are about to happen in the future of that present moment. This may sound confusing, when experiencing this, you will know that it is one of the signs your guardian angel is trying to contact you.


5. Encounter Strange Helper: There are times you meet with random people whom you do not know from nowhere trying to tell you things about yourself and the possibilities of incoming or unforeseen problems that may arise within a short period of time. Your guardian angel will try to contact you using a stranger to come to your aid as a helper.


6. Getting a message from a sane person: Receiving unexpected advice or insights from someone who appears to be sane can indeed feel surreal. It could be interpreted as a sign your guardian angel is trying to contact you.  offering guidance and solutions to your problems. It’s a perspective that some people find comforting or meaningful in moments of uncertainty.


7. Feeling suddenly restless and uncomfortable: can be a jarring experience, particularly when it seemingly comes out of nowhere. While such sensations might initially be attributed to physical discomfort or stress, some interpret these feelings as potential signs of spiritual communication, specifically from a guardian angel.

In various cultures and belief systems, guardian angels are thought to be benevolent beings assigned to watch over and protect individuals. According to this perspective, they may attempt to communicate with us through subtle signals or sensations, such as sudden restlessness or discomfort.

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These sensations might serve as a way for the guardian angel to grab our attention, prompting us to pause and reflect on our current situation or life path. It could be interpreted as a gentle nudge from the spiritual realm, encouraging us to pay closer attention to our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings.

While not everyone subscribes to the belief in guardian angels, those who do often find comfort in the idea that they are being watched over and guided by benevolent forces, especially during moments of uncertainty or distress. Whether one believes in the literal existence of guardian angels or not, the concept can provide solace and reassurance during challenging times, offering a sense of divine presence and support.